

Keep it simple, stupid!

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2023-07-20 Updates: Fixed homepage layout, used styles provided by xLog
2023-05-30 Updates: Fixed the impact of CSS on the dashboard
2023-05-15 Updates: Fixed some invalid CSS variables, made the theme more anime-like, and the article list more suitable for setting cover images

Effect Test

Font Test#

Using Xia Wu Wen Kai

In the spring of the fourth year of the Qingli era, Teng Zijing was demoted to govern the Baling County. The following year, the government was smooth and the people were harmonious, all undertakings flourished, so he rebuilt the Yueyang Tower, added to its old system, and inscribed the poems and essays of Tang sages and contemporary people on it; he entrusted me to compose an essay to record it.

I observed that the beautiful scenery of Baling lies in the Dongting Lake. It connects distant mountains and swallows the Yangtze River, vast and boundless; morning light and evening shadow, countless phenomena; this is the grandeur of Yueyang Tower, as described by predecessors. However, the north connects to Wuxia, and the south reaches Xiaoxiang, many exiled officials and poets gather here, how can their feelings towards the scenery be the same?

If it is a drizzling rain, continuous for months; the angry wind howls, muddy waves surge; the sun and stars hide, mountains and valleys obscure; merchants cannot travel, masts tilt and oars break; dusk is dim, tigers roar and monkeys cry. Climbing this tower, one feels homesick, worried about slander and ridicule, with a desolate view, feeling extreme sadness.

As for the spring being harmonious and the scenery bright, waves calm, the sky and water are one blue expanse; sand gulls soar, colorful fish swim, the banks are filled with fragrant orchids, lush and green. Sometimes the long smoke disappears, the bright moon is a thousand miles away, floating light leaps like gold, quiet shadows sink like jade, fishermen's songs echo, what joy is there? Climbing this tower, one feels relaxed and joyful, forgetting both honor and disgrace, raising a glass to the wind, feeling elated.

Alas! I have sought the heart of ancient benevolent people, or is it different from these two? Why? Not to rejoice in things, not to grieve for oneself. Residing in the high hall, one worries for the people; dwelling in the distant rivers and lakes, one worries for the ruler. Thus, whether advancing or retreating, one is worried; then when can one be joyful? It must be said: "Worry before the worries of the world, rejoice after the joys of the world!" Alas! Without such a person, who can I return to?

On the fifteenth day of the ninth month in the sixth year.


Tiam, ad mint andaepu dandae nostion secatur sequo quae.
Note that you can use Markdown syntax within a blockquote.



Ordered List#

  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item

Unordered List#

  • List item
  • Another item
  • And another item

Special Effects#

:span[This is a spoiler]{.spoiler}

This is a spoiler

This is default text block 

This is info text block 

This is error text block

This is success text block

This is info text block

This is info text block

This is error text block

This is success text block

Custom CSS#

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